15 “Old People” Things That Millennials Agree With
As A Millennial, I get annoyed when people say my generation is nothing like theirs, or that we are lazy. This list if proof that we are not that different. Let’s dive into it and I will tell you why I agree with this list of 15 “old people” things millennials agree with.
I have said for years, and if you happen to listen to the show, you know that I am a very old 33 year old. I like things a certain way and don’t understand a lot of technology. So, here we go…
I will say for years, there has been a massive fight between Millennials and Boomers, but I am here to clear the year and show that we are not that different from you old people…Ok, that was a shot, I am sorry!
15 “Old People” Things That Millennials Agree With
- New car headlights are too bright.
- Social media was better when it only showed you content from friends and followed pages . . . and it was easier to pick up where your last scroll left off.
- People shouldn’t listen to music or have videos and calls played on their phones in public without headphones.
- You shouldn’t have to download an app for EVERYTHING.
- Not everything needs to be recorded, photographed, and posted online.
- People need to stop speeding through neighborhoods.
- Grocery stores are too much work . . . from scrolling through an app to “clip” all the sales, to scanning and bagging all of your own purchases. (And buying bags if you didn’t bring your own.)
- Restaurants should offer an actual menu . . . not a QR code . . . especially when it’s hard to read.
- Tips should be for sit-down meals in restaurants only.
- There should be zero work-related TEXTING . . . especially during non-work hours. All work communication should be through a work email account.
- Touchscreen keyboards aren’t as good as an actual physical keyboard.
- If I say something to you, I’d like an acknowledgement that you heard me.
- I am not instantly available at any waking moment just because it is technically possible for me to see your message right away.
- Writing notes by hand on paper is better than typing notes.
- The way that Gen Z makes hearts with their hands is deeply unsettling.
It’s nice to see that I am not the only Millennial that agrees with a lot of these “old people” things. For example. Speeding through neighborhoods, I couldn’t count the amount of times a day I get upset at someone for flying past my house.
Another one, can restaurants please go back to having real menus? I cannot stand showing up somewhere and having to scan my phone to see a menu. I like have the physical menu in front of me, just like a plane ticket, I like having the actual ticket with me!
Ok, all of the above just made me feel like old people, but I guess I am. I remember when I was in my 20s and had no responsibilities, now I have an amazing family, a job and bill to pay. Where the heck did time go?!
This discussion got on on Reddit, check it out.
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