The Crazy Briefcase Incident
I have known Screamin’ Scott since 1995. He has always had a very unique way of looking at life. He may look like an adult, but he is 100% a child at heart. I recently got a peak inside Screamin’ Scott’s crazy briefcase and I would like to share with the class.
Recently, I walked into the WCSX studio and saw papers spread out everywhere. I recognized Screamin’s handwriting and thought, “Oh OK, Screamin’ is cleaning out his briefcase.” I walked back in a few minutes later and the papers were cleaned up. That is when I noticed his crazy briefcase full of toys and musical items. Check it out for yourself.
The Crazy Briefcase Incident
Screamin’ Scott most always has a smile on his face and is the first person to jump in and help. He is also nuts. I don’t know how else to say it. Is it me or on first glance, did it look like he had dynamite in there? I was a little scared for a second.
You’ll notice in the video, Screamin’ turns the crazy briefcase to show us the back side and spins it back around. The next morning I got to work and saw this e-mail from engineering:
See the circular scratch? I took one look and knew Screamin’ Scott and I were the guilty parties. Fortunately, our engineering department chief is super cool. I explained and she (Sheri) thanked me for letting her know. I even offered to get filler to help fix the scratches.
Who knew granite would scratch so easily? Now let’s take a good look at Screamin’s work flow…
A Close Up of Screamin’s Crazy Briefcase
My co-workers certainly keep things lively!