Cat Karaoke – Oh It’s Real, And It’s Fire
Cat Karaoke anybody? The Cat Fanciers’ Association held its annual International Cat Expo in Cleveland this weekend. And the karaoke is absolutely awesome. Let’s enjoy:
Cat Karaoke – Highlights
Here’s a couple of compilation TikTok videos and the last one is a guy who got WAYYYYY too into singing about cat poop (couldn’t dig himself out? No. Anyone?)
Can we change lyrics to Meow? Oh hell yeah
You’re favorite Journey Song (with 3 out of 4 words meow)
Here’s the “South Detroit” verse with the meow magic worked in:
Meow meow meow small town girl
Meow meow meow meow lonely world.
Meow meow meow midnight meow, meow meow meow where.
Meow meow meow city boy,
Meow meow meow South Detroit,
Meow meow meow midnight meow, meow meow meow air.
We also changed some Bob Seger song titles to make them more “cat-tastic”
1. **Meow Meow Rock ‘n’ Meow** (Old Time Rock ‘n’ Roll)
2. **Against the Meow** (Against the Wind)
3. **Meow Moves** (Night Moves)
4. **Meow Night Meow** (Hollywood Nights)
5. **Still the Meow** (Still the Same)
Katmandu was just too easy.
As the proud owner of two cats, I’m going to go home today and sing to them using meow for most of the words. We’ll see what happens. I’m predicting:
A – They won’t care
B- They’ll leave the room
C – Meow