Alice Cooper, Aerosmith and the Haunted House
I know this sounds like the title to a Scooby Doo episode – but when you hear this story from Alice Cooper about a VERY haunted house, you’ll think twice.
Alice Cooper Haunted House with Joe Perry
Now we’ve been fortunate over the years to do plenty of things with Alice Cooper (including Alice Cooper Court on the grounds of Eloise), but this story from Alice still blows our mind:

Alice Cooper: Joe Perry and I were writing songs for this movie, and we went to this house in Copake, New York that belonged to Shep Gordon, my manager, that if you were going to find a house to do a horror movie in, it would be this house. All day, I would put something down, I’d walk away, and it was gone. I’d go back in the kitchen, and what I was doing in there was different. All day, and same with Joe. That night, we’re sitting at dinner, we’re trying to write songs and it sounds like, you know, you don’t hear a little bump. It sounds like somebody’s moving furniture in the basement. It’s like not being subtle at all.
And unlike the movies, we didn’t say, let’s go find the flashlight and see what’s down there. We were out of there that night. I called up Shep and I said, Shep, it’s about your house in Copake. And he says, oh yeah, they wrote the Amityville Horror there. And I went, and you were gonna tell me when?

BIg Jim: Really, you buried the lead, Shep. How come he’s not telling you that?
Alice Cooper: No, I think he didn’t wanna freak us out because it was gonna be a place we could write. But I mean, the house was alive.
The house was definitely alive.

Big Jim: Do you still get kinda weirded out even talking about it?
Alice Cooper: The house isn’t even there anymore. It’s gone. I think somebody probably burned it down and covered salt on the earth there. But it was, that house was a lot. He said one time his mother was having dinner there with a party and the entire dining room table moved a foot to the right while they were all sitting there.
Do You Believe In Haunted Houses?
We talked about this on the show a couple of weeks ago – so many amazing stories of haunted houses here in Michigan (including 5 haunted roads to travel). Does the story from Alice Cooper change your mind?