Too Long for Holiday Decorations? 45% Say “No”
Asking for a friend, how long is too long for holiday decorations? Today is January 13th, 2025. As we speak, I have a 10 foot Minion, some light-up deer, and large multi-colored wreath and a string of colored lights on the front of my house. We have a lot of plans this weekend so I seriously doubt we will get these down this weekend either.
The rest of my neighborhood would say, “Now.” Now is too long for holiday decorations, but I probably won’t speak to them until Spring, so no biggie. I could go into covert mode and unplug the lights so they draw less attention. Nah. After reading a recent survey, I just may go for it and keep them up.
45% of People Surveyed Said They’re “OK” with It
Talker Research held a survey of 2,000 Americans and asked about due dates for holiday decorations. While the majority said, “Yes, there is a deadline,” nearly half of respondents said, “We like the lights and decorations.”
As far as any sort of date on when you would expect decorations to be down, the general consensus was January 16th. I don’t think I’m going to make that date.
To be clear, I recognize that I am overdue. Take Down Your Christmas Tree Day was a week ago, January 6th. We even had a conversation about it on Big Jim’s House that morning.
My Current Situation

If I’m being completely honest, to boot, the minion is secured in such a way that half the time he inflates, but is flat on his face. #mybad I know it’s been too long for holiday decorations, but the stakes are frozen into the ground and making the take-down a little difficult. The two seconds I spent trying to get the Minion out of my front flowerbed did not work out.
So How Do I Get All-Year Lighting?
My fancy neighbor has really cool lighting about the edge of her roof. She had them professionally installed (cuz she’s fancy) but a lot of places sell them now with the idea that you put them up yourself. This isn’t an advertisement, but here’s a comparison video:
These lights are $300 for 100 feet of lights. The lights come with a remote that you can use to change colors which is awesome. You can have green lights at St Patrick’s Day or red, white, and blue lights on the Fourth of July without climbing up and down the ladder time after time. I seriously need to invest, put these up in the Summer and call it a year.
So how long is too long for holiday decorations? There is no too long in my book. I love the lights. The Christmas Minion though… it’s time to put him to bed.