The 10 Most Common PIN Numbers – Risky
We’ve all seen movies where a person is conned into giving up their PIN number based off of their pet’s name or their mother’s birthday, but what about the people who picked a number because it’s easy? What are the most common PIN numbers?
The 10 Most Common PIN Numbers
I can’t even believe that “1234” is still one of the most common PIN numbers, but here we are. did a study on PIN numbers. They used PIN numbers that have been revealed on the dark web. 11% of all the four-digit passwords they found were “1234.” Good Lord, people, stop using “1234.” Here’s the top ten based on the research:
1. 1234
2. 1111
3. 0000
4. 1212
5. 7777
6. 1004 . . . as in, “Ten-four, good buddy.” Don’t use it, but also… hilarious!
7. 2000
8. 4444
9. 2222
10. 6969 Seriously? Makes me think of Billy Madison.
The company also looked at the least common PINs. The top three are: “8068” “8093” and “9629” but this is a public list, so you may want to stay away from those too. According to Data Genetics, the first digit of a PIN number is most likely to be between 1 and 5. If you’re looking to upgrade your PIN, choosing a zero or something between 6 and 9 may be the right move… unless you use “6969” then see above. Good times with PINs.

(AP Photo/Elise Amendola)