I could open up this intro with cat puns, just because it is so easy to do. Like for example things are “purrrring” right along at the Catfe Lounge in Ferndale, instead I will introduce you to the most passionate cat person I have ever met. Her name is Deanne Iovan and she is the Executive Director of the Ferndale Cat Rescue and the person responsible for South Eastern Michigan’s first cat cafe’ called the Catfe Lounge.
The Ferndale Cat Shelter is a system of cat foster homes for strays and surrendered cats but instead of being held in a tradition shelter, some of the cats make their temporary home at the cafe’. Deanne Iovan and other cat rescuers decided to make a happy space on Livernois Avenue for people who want to mingle with the cats with an eye on getting to know them and adopting one.
Listen to her story and you will hear why she is a WCSX “Woman Who Rocks”.
You can take a “purrlates” class at the Catfe and yoga classes are held among the kitties. Kids come in and read, and people come from all over just to have some feline therapy. The Catfe is not just partnered with an animal rescue, it is part of the Ferndale Cat Shelter – a 501c3 cat rescue. Cats and kittens in its’ care are available for adoption, and the café is a community space where people can meet and socialize with Ferndale’s felines. If you’re feeling curious, stop by the Catfé for some coffee, tea, or juice and make some new feline friends.
In the second half of the podcast, I am always joined by Cyndy Schalter from Turning Point Macomb.
This week we discuss a video I found of a Pastor who has tips on forgiving a-holes. Yup, you read that right. You have to watch this video.
Cyndy and I also discuss how to remove toxic people from our lives. We all have that one person or had that one person that never gets rid of drama and inflicts it upon us constantly. What do you do? Do you cut them out completely? Cyndy has some suggestions for dealing with the drama kings and queens in our lives.
(Cyndy Schalter-Salsido)
Domestic violence and sexual assault rob an individual of their sense of safety, power, and dignity. Turning Point provides emergency and support services to meet both the immediate and long-term needs of survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Turning Point strives to provide a safe non-judgmental place for survivors to explore their feelings and options, and regain control of their lives.
There is a 24 crisis line: