Zharia Terry is a young woman from Pontiac who wanted to make a difference in her community. The Michigan State Student saw an idea that was flourishing in other communities across the country and decided to bring that idea right here to Michigan.Zharia has created what she calls “Free Little Pantries”. With the amount of people struggling to get by she will fill these little boxes with the essentials. “Non-perishable foods, boxed foods, hygienic products, hand sanitizers, band aids, soap. It’s not just food its anything people could use, anything down to gloves and umbrellas. Listen to her story and hear why Zharia is a WCSX “Women Who Rocks”
It’s a lot like the little free libraries that have been popping up in communities, take a book, leave a book, only it’s a pantry and its home will be outside the Pontiac Public library. The Pontiac park is on Mill street between Water and Pike and they are currently accepting donations at the library to stock the pantry for the weeks and months to come.
In the second half of the podcast, I am always joined by Cyndy Schalter from Turning Point Macomb. This week we talk about a principle in New Jersey who is combating bullying one load of laundry at a time.
Cyndy and I also discuss what is all the “Rage” these days. They are called rage rooms and they are places to relieve stress and anger.
Cyndy and I also discuss how to beat the back to school stress. It’s that time of year again.
(Cyndy Schalter-Salsido)
Domestic violence and sexual assault rob an individual of their sense of safety, power, and dignity. Turning Point provides emergency and support services to meet both the immediate and long-term needs of survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Turning Point strives to provide a safe non-judgmental place for survivors to explore their feelings and options, and regain control of their lives.
There is a 24 crisis line: