If you have ever been on a plane, you may have noticed it is not the cleanest place on the planet. Sure, the airlines do their best to tidy up, but how clean is that table tray? The answer may surprise you. Meet Gina Hoensheid, this Michigan Mom has made it her mission to make travel safer one airplane at a time.
Gina has created a company called Seat Sitters which has been featured on ABC World News Now, Forbes, Inc., Boston Globe, Yahoo Finance, BuzzFeed and much more. Listen to her story and you will hear why she is a “WCSX” Woman Who Rocks!
In the second half of the podcast, I am always joined by Cyndy Schalter from Turning Point Macomb. This week we talk about the death of rapper Mac Miller and his struggle with addiction. We also talk about how one Michigan school is getting rid of “Mean Girls” by eliminating a “Homecoming” tradition.
Cyndy and I also discuss a big walk that is happening on Saturday September 21st in honor of Tara Grant who was murdered by her husband. The walk will kick off “Domestic Violence Awareness” month.
Turning Point is ALWAYS here to help!!!!!!
(Cyndy Schalter-Salsido)
Domestic violence and sexual assault rob an individual of their sense of safety, power, and dignity. Turning Point provides emergency and support services to meet both the immediate and long-term needs of survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Turning Point strives to provide a safe non-judgmental place for survivors to explore their feelings and options, and regain control of their lives.
There is a 24 crisis line: