Tingling Tales Of Ghosts, Spirits And Electronic Voice Phenomena Download

47:36 Download October 17th, 2022

Welcome to another episode of Haunted Michigan. 

Up first, it’s Jeff Adkins and Todd Bonner from Detroit Paranormal Expeditions. These guys are well known throughout the state, and the paranormal community. They had some great, ghostly stories to tell. Jeff told of a story where the EVP (electronic voice phenomena) was so strong, Todd threw his headphones off. The Birmingham Theater, Beaver Island lighthouse, The Detroit 6th precinct, Eloise, the Iron County Historical society and other haunted places in Michigan are topics of conversation. What they saw in the Bruce Mansion will make the hair on your arms stand up. Insane! Doors opening and closing, items thrown across the room, spirits following the guys home, and more.

Then, it’s Janet, Cassie, Carol and Whitney from the Phenomena Paranormal Investigators out of Westland, Mi. They talk about Eloise, as well. The Bathe Township school disaster site, and much more. They live in the area of Eloise, so they tell me about some creepy goings on around that place, as well as Janet’s house. They talk about being touched, talking to spirits, shadow figures, spirit boxes and lots more!

Enjoy, Meltdown!

Detroit Paranormal Expeditions

DPX is a group of paranormal investigators from Detroit on a journey to better understand the unknown. We investigate homes & more well-known locations.

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