WCSX and The Stone Soup Stingray were rockin with HolyCross Children's Services at Parkway Chrysler!
People were signing up for more than just classic rock prizes, but a chance at a WCSX trophy for our car show!
WCSX was handing out trophies to the hottest rides!
WCSX was giving out more than just trophies, but concert tickets as well!
With so many rockin rides, it was hard to pick the winners.
The winners stood proudly next to their rides!
Thank you to everyone who came out with their cars and participated in our car show!
Todd stood next to his ride that he has had for over the past 33 years!
Everyone loved showing off their classic rides.
A big thank you to the staff at Mr.B's for supplying everyone with food and drinks on such a hot day, you guys rock!
Thanks to everyone who came out to rock with us at Parkway Chrysler with your rides!