Michigan Drivers Spoiler Alert: We are not that bad, friend.
I’m pretty sure that all Michigan drivers have been honked at or given the finger at some point. I certainly have. Forbes recently conducted a survey on road rage, and they included 5,000 drivers: 100 from every state. A 10-factor scoring system was used: everything from honking, yelling, and offensive hand gestures, all the way to forcing another driver’s car off the side of the road and SHOOTING at them.
Where do Michigan drivers fall? You can check out the complete 50-state list on Forbes. 85% of the drivers surveyed said they’ve experienced some form of road rage. Again, honking horns or giving the finger is something I think 100% of drivers have seen in EVERY STATE, but maybe I’m just lucky. The next time you’re out driving, remember, drivers here in Michigan may not be perfect, but it could be worse… a lot worse.
Forbes data was also broken down to show the most common reasons people give for THEIR OWN ROAD RAGE. Here are the top five “reasons.”
Michigan actually fell in the top 10 for the LEAST confrontational drivers. Check out our rank! I always love it when Michigan shows well in a survey, but I didn’t expect us to do this well. LOL Still, I’ll take the win anytime I can get it.