Meat Loaf and his sudden passing have led to a number of tributes from the music and entertainment world.
Here are some notable tributes.
Had So Much Fun With Meatloaf When We Did “Dead Ringer”. Am Very Sorry For His Family,Friends,& Fans. Am I imagining It, or Are Amazing Ppl In The Arts Dying every other Day⁉️
— Cher (@cher) January 21, 2022
😢Adam Lambert
A gentle hearted powerhouse rockstar forever and ever. You were so kind. Your music will always be iconic. I’m sure you’re singing concerts in the great beyond. Rest In Peace sir. #MeatLoafRIP #Meatloaf
— ADAM LAMBERT (@adamlambert) January 21, 2022Andrew Lloyd Webber
The vaults of heaven will be ringing with rock. RIP Meatloaf. Give my best to Jim. - ALW
— Andrew Lloyd Webber (@OfficialALW) January 21, 2022President Donald J. Trump
Trump on Meat Loaf:
— Kristina Wong 🇺🇸 (@kristina_wong) January 21, 2022Josh Gad
Pretty much 90 percent of my karaoke songs are this man’s. Nobody did a rock anthem quite like Meat Loaf and his songs were more than just songs. They were stories you could sink your teeth into filled with joy, rage and passion. He was truly a one of a kind. RIP
— Josh Gad (@joshgad) January 21, 2022Kevin Sorbo
My dear friend, Meat Loaf, has passed away. I just heard the sad news this morning. He was my golf buddy and great soundboard for me in our talks from sports to politics. We just talked a few months ago. RIP
— Kevin Sorbo (@ksorbs) January 21, 2022
Meat Loaf Dead at 74 from COVID via @TMZTravis Tritt
Woke up this morning to the sad news that Meat Loaf had passed away. What a tremendous talent gone way too soon. He was also one of the nicest people anyone could ever want to know. This world is a little less bright without him in it. #RIPMeat
— Travis Tritt (@Travistritt) January 21, 2022Rick Astley
Meat Loaf. What a legend. Rest in peace - Rick x
— Rick Astley (@rickastley) January 21, 2022Mike Portnoy
Much will be said about Meat Loaf in the coming days & his incredible career…but Eddie will always be my earliest and fondest memory of him! My condolences to Pearl & Scott and to all who knew him…🙏 #RIPMeatLoaf
— Mike Portnoy 🤘 (@MikePortnoy) January 21, 2022Piers Morgan
RIP Meat Loaf, 74.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) January 21, 2022
One of rock music’s all-time great characters whose seminal iconic album Bat Out Of Hell is one of the biggest-selling records in history.
A wondrously talented, flamboyant, funny, outrageous and rebellious chameleon. Sad news. George
R.I.P Meatloaf. Love and prayers to all his family and close friends. He once turned me upside down in a Chinese Restaurant in St Johns Wood.
— Boy George (@BoyGeorge) January 21, 2022Stephen Fry
… he had the quality of being simultaneously frightening and cuddly, which is rare and rather wonderful …
— Stephen Fry (@stephenfry) January 21, 2022Bonnie Tyler
I am shocked & saddened by the sudden death of Meat Loaf. He was, as you might imagine, a larger than life character with a voice & stage presence to match & is one of those rare people who truly was a one off talent and personality. Rest In Peace
— Bonnie Tyler (@BonnieTOfficial) January 21, 2022Julie Klausner
Meat Loaf was a LEGEND. Rest in Paradise by the Dashboard Light, sweet sweaty tuxedo lunatic.
— Julie Klausner (@julieklausner) January 21, 2022John Rich
Meatloaf was a fierce Patriot for America. He travelled the world and saw how other countries lived, and understood that only in America would he have had the chances he had to succeed and overcome. He was the epitome of an American dream chaser and a great friend to me.
— John Rich🇺🇸 (@johnrich) January 21, 2022Paul Stanley
Meatloaf Has Passed Away. So sad. He was one of a kind. Who could you compare him to?? No one. That’s how you define greatness. My condolences to his entire family.
— Paul Stanley (@PaulStanleyLive) January 21, 2022WWE
We are saddened to learn that Michael Lee Aday, better known as Meat Loaf and beloved by fans all over the world, passed away at the age of 74. Our sincerest thoughts are with his family, friends and those affected by his passing.
— WWE (@WWE) January 21, 2022