September of 1976 saw the debut of Jim Henson’s The Muppet Show. It was a sketch comedy show with dozens of Muppet characters. Each episode began with the logo “The Muppet Show” logo on a title card. The center of the “O” then opened to reveal Kermit the Frog, the host and MC of the night who announced, “It’s The Muppet Show, with our very special guest star of the night.
How The Show Started
It premiered September 5th, 1976, and ended on 23 May 1981, with a total of 120 episodes throughout 5 seasons. The first guest on the show was Juliet Prowse. A wonderful dancer who also was engaged to Frank Sinatra for a short time. Also, the claim to fame was a relationship with Elvis Presley.
How Many Guests Appeared on the Show?
Slowly became the who’s who that appeared on the show each week. Every part of the entertainment world had a spot on the show. One fact is not one person appeared twice on the show. The only exception was John Denver who was on one season and then came back for the famous Muppets Christmas episode.
The show was known for family fun entertainment. Even my father was commenting and gazed with amazement at how the Muppets did some of the things they did on the show. Like Kermit, the Frog riding a bike. Later on, the company that owns the rights,” Disney,” to the show and episodes, adds content warning over ‘negative stereotypes’ Disney Plus has added a content warning to the beginning of 18 episodes of The Muppet Show.
Look at a complete list of guests on the Muppet Show by clicking this link here.
Let’s look now at a fragment of some of the great music acts that appeared on the Muppet Show from 1976-81. Musical guests came from all genres of the music business. From rock and roll, country, blues, avant-garde artists.