When it comes to Holiday Christmas Classics on TV and Movies there is no shortage of great entertainment. The holidays are going to whip by us so fast it will make your head spin. Take some time around the family tube and don’t forget some of these Christmas classics from the past.
Here are some are my personal favorites. I won’t be surprised if in some parts of the movie make your eyes water a bit. It must be the onion dip with the potato chips. I hope you get a chance to see some of my all-time favorite Christmas movies.
WCSX Staff Picks For Favorite Holiday Christmas Classics
Megan Murphy – goes right off the charts to start a controversy with the pick of the movie, “Die Hard.” Megan, a huge Bruce Willis fan says, “I’m totally 100% on the bandwagon that, Die Hard is no doubt a Christmas movie.”
Big Jim’s House Jim O’Brian – “Yippee ki yay,” a second vote for, Die Hard. As for TV classics, the episode of M*A*S* H* where Hawkeye goes out as Santa to a fox hole.
Local Celebrity Ryan Logan – The Christmas Classic, Bad Santa. The Christmas season just got much less joyous in this dark comedy, Billy Bob Thornton, Tony Cox, Bernie Mac.
Donielle Flynn – picks Rise of the Guardians.
“I consider Rise of The Guardians a Christmas movie but really it deals with all holidays. It centers around Jack Frost. The cast is star-studded. Chris Pine is Jack Frost, Hugh Jackman plays the Easter Bunny, and Alec Baldwin voices a tatted-up Russian Santa.
“Our favorite family Christmas movie is National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. The movie is a timeless classic and has so many unforgettable moments.”