Backwards Day is a chance to “break from routine and encourage people to embrace the unexpected” according to You can celebrate by eating dessert first, walking backwards, or by checking out our list of backwards rock songs.
Backwards Classic Rock
There are several different types of backwards music. According to Google, backmasking is “the practice of recording a message backwards onto an audio track, so that it can only be heard by playing the track in reverse.” Some of the more famous examples of backmasking come from bands like Queen, Pink Floyd, and The Beatles.
Classic rock also has some songs with backwards lyrics. Def Leppard has a great example of flipped lyrics. Backwards lyrics don’t create a new message like backmasking does. The lyrics just can’t be understood unless you play them in reverse. When they’re played as a “normal” part of the song, they sound like gibberish.
Backwards guitar solos also exist in some classic rock songs. One example of a backward guitar solo is Jimi Hendrix’ “Castles Made of Sand.” The Red Hot Chili Peppers covered this song, but they did not include the backwards guitar solo. Instead, they created their own in another song.
FarOut has a great list of songs with creepy hidden messages, but for our list, I’d like to focus on the backwards concept as a whole.