The Story Behind The Songs

The Story Behind The Songs

The Story Behind The Songs


One of the things that I love the most about classic rock: The story behind the songs and the bands.  What was the author thinking or trying to say when they wrote that song?  What struggle did the band meet in trying to make the album?  Was there a personal connection or were they just trying to write a “hit?”  Why did they pass that song on to another band?  I clearly have A LOT of questions.  I try to answer those questions here.

Hey, this is Doni and you’re on my homework page.  This is where I house my research: one song at a time.  I check multiple sources for every one of these pieces to try and give you the most complete look at the story behind the songs and bands that I possibly can.  Some have A LOT of info behind them.  I try to pick and choose the best of the best and share them here.   I love  I usually start there and work my way around following one breadcrumb after another.

I’ve been doing this for a while now.  I started out focusing on Throwback Thursday tracks (deeper songs you haven’t heard in a while on WCSX) and branched out.  Why not tell the stories of deeper cuts but also the smash songs of iconic proportions?  I also have the occasional guest.  Ken Settle is a Detroit concert photographer with amazing pictures and what has to be a photographic memory to boot.  His recollections of Detroit concerts and what he has experienced is nothing short of amazing.

Pick a song and enjoy the story behind…