Why Steve Perry’s “Oh Sherrie” Video Is A Cheesy Masterpiece
Today (January 22) is Steve Perry’s birthday, and while the singer is best known for his time with Journey, we’d like to focus a bit on his solo career, particularly the wonder that is the video for his 1984 hit “Oh Sherrie.”
A time capsule of absurdity, “Oh Sherrie” is a video within a video, and its intro shows a frustrated Perry clearly unsatisfied with the super cheesy premise of his original music video where he’s playing a King…a Knight…a Duke? Either way, it’s something royal. He then has to interact with a moron of a director and a horrendously stereotypical publicist figure. It all becomes too much, so he must get away…
Of course, while this is all happening, chaos is occurring behind-the-scenes, like the guy at the 3:35 mark ripping up the video script (classic!), but this madness doesn’t stop Perry from wooing (we assume) Sherrie all while playing a broom like a guitar, because who could resist a move like that, am I right ladies?
So, why does all of this equate to a “masterpiece?” Because the video is the definition of “it’s so bad, it’s good.” Also, with the help of a super catchy song and massive staircase, Perry still gets his girl and rides off into the sunset, and by “rides off into the sunset” we mean totally walks off the set and away from the aforementioned moron of a director.
Good move, Steve. We would’ve done the same.
Erica Banas is a rock/classic rock blogger that loves the smell of old vinyl in the morning.