Grohl’s Attempted Bowie Collaboration Might See Light of Day
It’s commonly known that David Bowie turned down Dave Grohl on a collaboration for a song on a film soundtrack, but that piece of music may end up being released in the near future.
Grohl recently sat down with British GQ where he was asked if he had a song that he never quite finished. Grohl said yes, but that he gave the track to another band to have recently.
“I tried for years. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. We tried it, kind of worked on it, then I actually contacted Bowie about doing it together for this movie soundtrack, that didn’t work out. He didn’t like the movie, it wasn’t me, it was the movie. Then I started working on it again, and I then gave it to another band, who hasn’t used it yet.”
Grohl didn’t reveal which band he gave the song to, because he didn’t want to “spoil the surprise.” However, this could easily turn into another great mystery on par with the surprise vocalist on the Foo Fighters’ latest album Concrete and Gold, who ended up being Justin Timberlake.
Who do you hope ends up recording and releasing the almost Grohl/Bowie track? Let us know in the comments below!
Erica Banas is a rock/classic rock blogger that loves the smell of old vinyl in the morning.