Creepy Tales From The Upper Peninsula, The Michigan Theater In Jackson, And Twiztid Christmas Time Hauntings Download

01:05:01 Download October 31st, 2022

Tim Ellis and Brad Blair join me first to wrap up the Haunted Michigan series, season 1. They’re the only guests I’ve had from the Upper Peninsula, although others have talked about places and experiences up there. They’re part of the Upper Peninsula Paranormal Research Society. They talk about Bigfoot sightings, some cryptid talk, and other crazy stories. Oh, little girl’s dolls…also creepy! They’ve written books about haunted places in the U.P., and they have excellent stories to back them up. 

Next, it’s Jessica Krutell from Mystic Mitten, a female led Paranormal group down here in the Detroit area. Not only did Jessica have some great stories about being touched on the Michigan Theater stage in Jackson, Mi., and other stories, something crazy happened while we were talking! Oh, all while she spoke with me in her “oddities” room….that was crazy enough. 

Finally, it’s Madrox and Monoxide from the local group Twiztid. I’ve known these guys for years and thought of them right away, not knowing anything about possible experiences they’ve had. They did not disappoint! The weird thing about both of their stories is that they took place outside of the traditional “haunting” season.

What a great way to wrap up season 1 of Haunted Michigan. 
I’d like to thank every single guest that made this project happen. I didn’t know what I was getting into or how it would shake out when we started. What I got were people who were passionate about this subject, very willing to share their experiences, great story-telling, and just overall nice people. I did not conduct one interview that I didn’t use. Each guest was as good as the next! Thank You all!

Also, a huge Thank You to Will Spurrier here at the station. He’s been a stalwart putting these episodes together, making them seamless. Thank you to Morgan Holsworth for her hard work behind the scenes getting the tech end buttoned up. The last Thank Yous go to Jade Springart and Scott Jameson here at Beasley Media Group for believing in the project, and making it a success! 
Until next year…..Happy Haunting!


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