I tried to tell him. My son, Jake, had a Halloween adventure this year. He REALLY wanted to be a blow-up dinosaur. The costume is cool, I get it. The costume was also $80. I told Jake that if he really wanted the costume, we’d get it for him, but he’d need to work some of it off in chores. He agreed. When he tried on the non-returnable costume, it was OBVIOUS that this thing looks awesome, but is not a bit convenient for WALKING. What do you do when you trick-or-treat? YOU WALK… A LOT. Jake went trick-or-treating in a friend’s neighborhood.
I suggested that Jake take a pair of black sweatpants, a hoodie, and a Halloween mask with him, in case the dinosaur didn’t work out. Did anyone listen to me? NO. 30 minutes later, we get a call from Jake. “Can you bring me black sweatpants, a hoodie, and a Halloween mask?” GREAT IDEA. The gear gets dropped off (the kid’s neighborhood fortunately isn’t far). Then we get ANOTHER call from one of Jake’s friends. Jake lost his phone. GRRRR. Using Life 360, a third trip is made to the neighborhood to find Jake’s phone.
In the meantime, he has lost his friends who are still trick-or-treating… So what then? Drive around the neighborhood in the dark until you find them. THEN we get a text, “Can I stay at my friend’s house until 9 pm?” Trying to be cool, I agree but say, “Be ready right at 9pm. You have school tomorrow.” Jake gets home at 9:10 and proceeds to say he is tired from the night’s events and would like to stay home from school the next day. ARE YOU SERIOUS?
Well, THAT is a Halloween Adventure for sure.
I looked at him after he asked to stay home from school and said, “Are you an ingrateful child?” He said, “No, why would you say that?” I said, “We got you the costume you wanted. You didn’t listen to the advice on the back-up costume, so we drove over again. Then you lost your phone. Then you lost your friends, then you wanted to stay late. We did EVERYTHING your way to help you have a Happy Halloween and now you’re telling me that you’re too exhausted from the festivities to go to school?”
So Jake is at school today… and whether he knows it or not, he’s living his best life. Scroll down to check out Dino-Jake. The costume really is hilarious, but not a bit practical.
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