The Detroit Community Calendar


The Detroit Community Calendar

The Detroit Community Calendar helps keep you connected with local events happening that benefit the community! Send information about your non-profit event at least two weeks in advance to [email protected] to be featured.

31 episodes

Episode 31 – Larry Westmore

00:13 Download January 31st, 2021

Episode 30 – Nick Bogacz

00:17 Download January 24th, 2021

Episode 29 – Josh Malone

00:15 Download January 17th, 2021

Episode 28 – Dr. Lewis

00:19 Download January 10th, 2021

Episode 25 – Dr. Cass Ingram

00:17 Download September 20th, 2020

Episode 24 – Heidi Grix

00:17 Download September 13th, 2020

Episode 22 – Janet Miller

00:17 Download August 30th, 2020
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