Imagine opening the door to a bar at 10:00AM on a Sunday and the place is PACKED. Welcome to Nancy Whiskey in Detroit. Nancy Whiskey has been an Irish pub since 1902 when it was converted from a general store into a pub. It has tons of history and is an amazing place to be before and after the Detroit St. Patrick’s Day parade. It is my go-to place for parade day.
The People Make the Day
I ran into a lot of old friends and made some new ones! The picture above shows some new friends, Tom and Rick. I spoke with Rick for a while. He mentioned seeing my article on 9 Rock Stars That Don’t Drink. Rick told me he is ten years sober and said he usually does quite well in his age bracket for the Cork Town Races. I asked him what he considered to be a good time. Rick said 22 minutes! As I stood there processing my mental math (that’s 3+ 7 minute miles!), I couldn’t help but be impressed. Rick was very down-to-earth and wasn’t the least bit braggy.. although he was baggy. Rick was wearing a trash bag (old runners trick) in preparation for the Cork Town Races. Rick, nice to meet you and your friend, Tom.
I also ran into old friends, Mike and Marty. These two are super cool dudes and a pleasure to hang out with. We see each other every year at Nancy Whiskey.

Doni, Mike, and Marty
Here’s what I LOVE about being at Nancy Whiskey for the Detroit St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The place has a history. It’s not fancy, Nancy. It’s just a great place to go. The people who come to Nancy Whisky DO IT UP! I saw some amazing St. Patrick’s Day attire (see pics below).
Gypsy calls me every so often, with requests for the Power Lunch. Gypsy came out to Nancy Whiskey’s and brought his bagpipe-playing friend, Dave with him. Needless to say, some bagpipe music busted out at Nancy Whiskey.

Doni, Dave, and Gypsy
Check out the rest of my photos below. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!