Popular Places To Spy A Sighting Of A UFO In Michigan

UFOs have fascinated humankind for ages and everyone seems to know or have had some kind of experience related to them. According to Suntimesnews.com and their research with data from the National UFO Reporting Center Database, have determined that 78% of Americans believe that aliens exist.

Personally, I’m somewhere in the middle. I believe that aliens do exist, but I don’t believe they have journeyed here. There’s a theory called the “Great Filter” that implies that there has been no proof of civilizations like ours and even ours haven’t reached the ultimate step and may never. So if there is no proof, then the likely chance of aliens is really low if not impossible.

My wife, on the other hand, believes it all. She believes that Atlantis and aliens are directly connected and reads all the books and info related to such topics. Book after book by Edgar Cayce line our bookshelves. And she is not alone, Michigan ranks #10 on UFO sightings and occurrences.

I do recall a time that my mother-in-law had seen hundreds of the sky and they were odd and no one had any idea what they were. And strange enough, I had never seen them either. But, turns out they were fire lanterns, and for some odd reason, were just not common in that area or anywhere that I had ever seen. Right after that, I saw them all the time. Including one that landed on my roof and nearly set my house on fire, so note, please don’t do that around your neighbors.

Now Michigan, as previously mentioned, has many occurrences dating back some time. Even Congressman (later President) Gerald Ford wrote a letter investigating the 1966 UFO sightings in Michigan. Here are some of those events per Detroit Free Press.

  • Kinross 1953

    Two pilots, in a F-89 Scorpion, were sent to investigate a radar blip by the Soo Locks. They were chasing the object for 30 minutes till radio contact was lost. The pilots were never seen again.

  • Swamp Gas 1966

    From March 14th – March 20th, 1966, numerous reports came in of lights seen by Selfridge Air Force Base and in Washtenaw County. With observations seeing the object crash into a swamp in Dexter CountyDr. J. Allen Hynek, who worked FOR the Air Force dismissed the whole thing as nothing more than swamp gas. This was not believed by the general public and a government coverup was the reason for the story. Gerald Ford was also not satisfied with this theory of swamp gas.
  • Wurtsmith Air Force Base 1975

    What a coincidence, another air force base. A white disc was spotted and a plane from the Wurtsmith Air Force Base was sent to investigate. The object shot back into “space” and was never seen again. 

  • Lake Michigan 1994

    One of the largest amounts of reports occurred in 1994. Michigan’s chapter of Mutual UFO Activity and 911 received hundreds of reports of lights over Lake Michigan.

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