On August 13th, 1982, director Cameron Crowe released Fast Times at Ridgemont High. It was the movie that depicted what life in high school was all about.

‘Fast Times At Ridgemont High’ soundtrack (1982)
Watching this classic movie, you could pick out characters in this movie that reminded you of somebody you went to high school with immediately. From the total stoner to the Phoebe Cates to the high school football player and of course, the ticket scalper kid that would get you concert tickets to just about anything.
The movie soundtrack also was a mixture of classic rock and punk rock songs that made it even more enjoyable. And the movie took on some very controversial topics. The biggest kick was getting out of the jobs that all these kids had throughout the year. The biggest hangout, of course, was the mall.
But all these years later a surprise nugget of information that took me years to figure out about someone’s cameo that was in the movie. Heart’s Nancy Wilson did a cameo as credited, Hot Girl in car. So put together a list. The Top Cameos from Iconic ROCK And Roll Superstars In Movies