The life of a rockstar usually seems at least partially unbelievable compared to the average person’s time on this planet. It’s hard to believe that Jimi Hendrix was just 27 years old when he passed away, but man, he jammed some crazy stuff into that time. Below, I have compiled a list of unbelievable things about Jimi Hendrix. I promise you: I researched and used tons of sources because I found the stuff hard to believe too.
Unbelievable Things About Jimi Hendrix You May Already Know
Jimi Hendrix released just three albums. This is hard to believe with the massive influence he has had on rock and roll. Then there was that time Jimi toured with the Monkees. Jimi quit after seven shows. His final show may (or may not) have ended with Jimi dropping his guitar and giving the crowd the middle finger.

Jimi’s Impact
Jimi Hendrix is arguably the best electric guitarist in the history of history. He is widely considered one of the most iconic musicians of the 20th century. His performance at Woodstock had a huge musical and cultural impact. Jimi found out 400,000 people showed up to Woodstock and didn’t want to play to a crowd that size. That’s why he changed his set time to 8:00 am on Sunday morning. He was an accidental, crazy genius.
Researching this article was fascinating. I found letters that Jimi wrote to his dad while Jimi was in the Army. Videos of Jimi singing song lyrics wrong on purpose (you probably know which one – more on that coming up). Plus new insight into the age-old story of Jimi’s “Lost Weekend.” I even found Jimi’s final interview given a week before his death. Prepare to have your jaw drop a time or two: