I love chili. A healthy Michigan Chili? Even better! I’m always looking for a great chili at one of our local restaurants, but I also make it at home. I’ve been trying to eat healthier, so I made some adjustments to the recipe I’d been using, and I liked the taste of the chili BETTER. Talk about a win/win. I started out with a recipe from thewholesomedish.com. I like it because it doesn’t have fancy ingredients I don’t have readily available and it has a five-star rating with nearly 3,000 votes. Pro tip: when I search recipes, I always put “best” before it, for example, “Best chili recipe.” I think it helps bring better recipes to the top.
This chili is low-sodium, diabetic-friendly, and DELICIOUS.
I try to shove as many fresh ingredients in as possible, aside from tomatoes. I would love to use some fresh Michigan tomatoes, but I also love chili more in the winter, so that is a rough match-up. I experimented with some low-sodium options and I still think the chili is delicious. I recently started using poblano green peppers. I love the added kick. If you prefer your chili milder, I recommend regular green peppers.
I found a survey where people in Michigan were asked what ingredients make up their “best” chili. CLICK HERE if you’d like to find out about the results. The survey said Michiganders prefer ground beef and three-bean chili. I usually use two, but the more the merrier. My Michigan chili recipe is based on the survey findings, but I did use two, not three beans. I know, I am a rebel.