CSX Break Room

Millennial Parenting – Gentle Choices

What do you think of when you hear "Millennial parenting?" Do you parent the same way your parents did? It's a gray question. I like to think that evolution is based off of learning to do things better. We repeat the things we loved about how our parents handled things and we improve on the things we wished they had done differently. Gen X's kids are now in the throws of Millennial parenting to Gen Z and Gen Alpha. You following all of this? Tell Me About The Good Old Days I'm pretty sure that anytime before say 1980, kids were getting the plenty of physical punishment. I graduated in 1988. My elementary school had no problem assigning swats for bad behavior or too many missing assignments... and this was public, not Catholic school. Back it up a generation and plenty of Boomers will tell you most kids got spanked at some point and belts and switches were common place. Catholic schools had nuns that were not afraid to take a ruler to your knuckles. As a parent, I have only spanked my children one time each. I did not like the way it made me feel and I didn't feel that it taught them anything. The flip side of that is that my son, in particular, is mouthy and is missing a certain fear factor that I had growing up. So my parents got wailed on, I had some physical punishments, and my children have had next to none. What does this mean for the next generation? Doni and her son, Jake 2019. Jake falls in the older end on Gen Alpha while Doni is Gen X. What Are The Millennial Parenting Styles? 73% of Millennial parents feel they are parenting better than previous generations according to a recent survey by luriechildrens.org. The biggest parenting technique used in Millennial parenting is a style known as "Gentle parenting." Gentle parenting is guiding children through their decision-making processes without the threat of punishment. There is an emphasis on communication and letting the child be the center of the process. It's not, "I'm proud of you," It's, "You should be proud of yourself." Explaining Gentle Parenting to Gen X / Boomers An awesome video I saw on TikTok showed a Millennial parent explaining how gentle parenting works to her mom. #priceless #gentle https://www.tiktok.com/@thedailytay/video/7418661763094236446 Here's a link to the original video: https://www.tiktok.com/@thedailytay/video/7418661763094236446?lang=en it has an "S" bomb at the end, but honestly, I found it hilarious.

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