3 Strange Places For Breakups
The vast majority of us scroll through videos from time to time. I happened across this gem of video and thought, “What are some strange places for breakups?” (heads up there are some S bombs in the video)
My first thought is always, “Is this real?” My answer is usually, “No idea.” In this case, if it’s not legit, they did a really good job. The guy seems genuinely freaked out and the lady looks visibly upset… like to the point of tears.
The Emotional Rollercoaster
It’s not like they got on the rollercoaster with the explicit idea of “Let’s break up,” The woman is excited and wants him to hold his arms up. He “looks like he wants to jump out of his skin as he “doesn’t want to do this.” as they head up the first hill. In what appears to me to be an extreme moment of candor, he blames her saying, “You’re always pushing me to do this! I wanna break up!”
During a slow up in the rollercoaster ride, she asks, “What did you say?” He says, “I wanna break up. I can’t do this.” At that point, she looks sad, a little pissed, and teary-eyed. This relationship appears to be over except for the awkward ride home.
I sent Jim and Jenny a text with the video and asked, “What are strange places for breakups? What’s the strangest place where you had a break up?” Here are the responses:
Doni: It’s No Game And Yet…
I feel bad, but I did once breakup with someone while I was playing a video game at a bar. I stared at the screen while explaining how things weren’t working out. I felt bad after… definitely not a high score on my part.
Jenny: The Jersey Mike’s Bathroom
When you’re hungry, but then a fight breaks out. You don’t want to publicly fight, so you go to the bathroom to fight it out and break up. But did Jenny get her sandwich before the awkward ride home?
Jim: Not So Cheerful
Jim said his breakup took place in his high school hallway, first period. A week before prom is also weak on the ‘cheerleaders ‘part… plus in public? Come on!
Strange Places for Breakups VS Worst Places
Since every question in the universe has been asked on Reddit at some point in life, of course they have a conversation about the worst places to break up. Some of Reddit’s top answers included at a wedding, on an airplane, and while on vacation.