WCSX Classic Cuts : Take the Long Way Home
WCSX Classic Cuts
Supertramp: “Take the Long Way Home”
The Hook: Saxophonist John Helliwell’s unusual clarinet solo was just one of his challenges in performing the song live.
Album: Breakfast in America
Year: 1979
Writers: Rick Davies and Roger Hodgson
Stats: Peaked at number-10 on the Billboard Hot 100
Background: Saxophonist John Helliwell sometimes took on a jack-of-all-trades role in Supertramp. He not only played the signature clarinet solo in “Take the Long Way Home,” he had other challenges when performing the song live.
Supertramp sax and keyboard player John Helliwell on performing “Take the Long Way Home.” OC:…the album. :13
“I always found that rather difficult to play on stage, ‘cause I’m trying to sing and play the synthesizer at the same time on that. I mean, I don’t take the lead or anything, but it’s a kind of tricky vocal arrangement. Lots of vocals overdubbed on the album.”