WCSX Classic Cuts : Oh Well
WCSX Classic Cuts
Fleetwood Mac: “Oh Well”
The Hook: The number from their pre-Buckingham-Nicks days that they’ll always play.
Album: Then Play On
Year: 1969
Writer: Peter Green
Stats: Peaked at number-55 on the Billboard Hot 100, but went all the way to number-two on the British charts.
Background: “Oh Well,” which was written by Fleetwood Mac’s founding guitarist Peter Green, is the song from before the Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks era that lives on the most with the band. Drummer Mick Fleetwood explains.
Fleetwood Mac drummer Mick Fleetwood on “Oh Well.” OC:…great song. :22
“Definitely part and parcel of Fleetwood Mac. We still do it on stage. I believe we always will do it. Of course, it’s one of Peter’s songs — I think it’s a classic song. It holds up. It demonstrated his ability as a songwriter in no uncertain terms. And remember there’s ‘Oh Well, Part 2,’ which a lot of people haven’t heard or don’t know about, that’s somewhat interesting. A great song.”