This is Michigan’s Best Breakfast Spot
I personally think breakfast is the best meal of the day. I honestly can eat breakfast food any time of the day or night: chocolate-chip pancakes, scrambled eggs, toast, cereal and more. There’s just no beating solid breakfast food. That said, I also believe Michigan has some terrific breakfast restaurants to feed that craving.
If you’re looking for the best breakfast spot in all of Michigan, the crew at has done the homework for you. Can you imagine how fun it would be to test out different breakfast spots for this story? That’s a dream come true. “While breakfast might not be as important as we’ve been led to believe, it’s undeniable that a delicious meal on a gloomy morning can make it easier to tackle the rest of your day,” the publication says. “If you’re dreading what’s to come, some yummy bacon may be just what the doctor ordered for you to see the bright side. When you’re in desperate need of a scrumptious breakfast, even the best breakfast chain won’t do.”
As for how Mashed found the best breakfast restaurant in every state, they did so “by weighing awards, reviews, personal experiences, recommendations and more.” According to the website, Michigan’s best breakfast spot is Falling Rock Cafe & Bookstore in Munising. “If you’re searching high and low for the best place to eat breakfast in Michigan, you’d be doing yourself a disservice if you overlooked Falling Rock Cafe & Bookstore,” the article states. “This is a place where you can find a great book, listen to live music, and down cup after cup of delicious coffee. However, while you’re doing all that, don’t forget about the food. The Breakfast Sandwich comes with eggs, cheese, and either sausage or bacon. For the bread, you can pick either a croissant, bagel, or English muffin. You can also grab a breakfast burrito for eating on the go.” Find the full list here.