WCSX Classic Cuts : Night Moves
WCSX Classic Cuts
Bob Seger: “Night Moves”
The Hook: How it was in the days before The Beatles.
Album: Night Moves
Year: 1976
Writers: Bob Seger
Stats: Peaked at number-four on the Billboard Hot 100. Although he’d already released more than a dozen singles, it was Seger’s first Top 40 hit.
The Background: Simply a reminiscence of a specific time and place in his life.
Bob Seger on what inspired “Night Moves.” OC:…naiveté too. :27
“First time I ever heard The Beatles was in October of ’63 in Chelsea, Michigan. I was going to see this girlfriend who I wrote ‘Night Moves’ about. It’s totally about our lifestyle as juniors in high school in 1962, which was straight out of the movie American Graffiti. We all had slicked-back hair and leather jackets and wore points and Ban-lon shirts and Levis and were, like, phony tough, you know. Of course, your sexual naiveté, too.”