Jack Black Begged Led Zeppelin for Permission
Jack Black begged Led Zeppelin for permission to use “Immigrant Song” in School of Rock… yes, Jack described it as “begging.” Led Zeppelin has never been terribly open to letting their music be used for anything (imagine how many people ask!). The director of School of Rock, Richard Linklater, asked Jack Black to try and convince Led Zeppelin for permission to use the song. Jack made his pitch with a video… and Jack Black begged Led Zeppelin for permission with style. He lead a theater full of extras in chant, “Lords of rock, Led Zeppelin! Grace us with your mighty love!” Check it out…
It worked, obviously. The band thought the video was hilarious and signed off on the use of “Immigrant Song” in School of Rock. Jack says the moral of the story is when you want something, “You ain’t too proud to beg.”