Top 3 Passive-Aggressive Phrases We All Use
I have always considered myself a direct communicator, but now, I’m having doubts. I found this list of commonly used passive-aggressive phrases on I am totally guilty of using some of these. Check out the article for a more in depth look at all six phrases and to find out WHY we speak like this.
My Top 3 Passive-Aggressive Phrases
1. “Good for you.” I always thought it was sarcasm if I used this phrase. I was saying, “Good for you,” but I really meant, “Go #@$k yourself.” On closer inspection, sarcasm may be a form of passive-aggressive behavior. What a bummer.
2. “It’s fine.” Pretty much anytime I’ve said, “It’s fine,” it was NOT fine. If I say, “It’s fine,” I’m really saying, “I know I’m getting screwed over here, but I’m going to let it happen because I’m too exhausted to fight about this crap.”
3. “Whatever.” SO.GUILTY. Much like, “It’s fine,” “Whatever” is what I say when I don’t feel like fighting. I’m throwing in the proverbial towel because it’s more effort than I care to put into this situation.
Recognizing Is the First Step
It is, buuuuuuuutt I may still rock these phrases from time to time. I don’t think “passive-aggressive” shows up on most people’s lists of outstanding personality traits, but it definitely does on some. For some people, passive-aggressive behavior is a real issue.
The Mayo Clinic gives insight on identifying passive-aggressive behavior. While passive-aggressive phrases and behaviors aren’t categorized as a mental illness, it can still be a condition that holds people back from leading happy, less stressful lives. has a great article on identifying and stopping passive-aggressive behaviors.
I suppose I can take this information and use it to mature and grow as a human being. It’s fine. Whatever… I kid, I kid. Speaking of kidding… according to YouTube, the video below is chuck full of passive-aggressive revenge stories. I don’t know if the stories are all true, but I enjoyed them nonetheless.