How to Get Attention
A Florida man set his hospital bed on fire in a desperate attempt to get a nurse’s attention, police said…
John King, admitted to police he used a silver and red Bic lighter to ignite a plastic bag in a shared room at a hospital where he felt staffers were ignoring his request to bring him his clothes.
A nurse at the hospital used a fire extinguisher to put out the flames while King tried to use an elevator to escape. Staffers managed to stop him until firefighters arrived.
The $4,000 bed was destroyed during the fire and King will be responsible for replacing it.
“The motherf–ker in here lit his bed on fire,” King’s 84-year-old roommate, Samuel Moreno, shouted to a nurse, according to the affidavit. “I can’t breathe. There’s smoke in the room.”
He remains in custody on $15,000 bond, and is set to be arraigned March 18.
(Volusia County Corrections)