Royal Oak / Glenn Frey Factoids – CSX City of the Week
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Royal Oak Glenn Frey Factoids:
- Glenn Frey moved to Royal Oak from Detroit in 1952 when he was only four years old.
- He lived with his parents and two brothers first on Wyandotte street and later moved to Catalpa drive. His parents lived in Royal Oak for nearly 50 years.
- While in Royal Oak, Glenn attended Dondero High school. He played the Trumpet for the Dondero Marching Band.
- Glenn and some of his buddies started a band in high school called the Subterraneans. Their first gig was at Dondero high school for a dance with about 600 students. They were paid $18. It was also the first time the school hired a live band for a school dance.
- When Glenn went to California to start his career, he returned to Royal Oak in the 1980’s to visit his favorite teacher: the same teacher who let his band play at their dance. He went for a tour of the high school and he gave a speech in the auditorium.