Call The Cops – It’s Dodgeball!
This might be funny in a movie, but you can’t do it in real life: An employee at an elementary school in Oklahoma got arrested for blasting a kid in the face with a DODGEBALL.
It’s not clear if he’s a teacher or not. But he was sitting off to the side while a dodgeball game was going on, and a ball hit him.
He claims the kid did it on purpose and refused to say sorry. The kid claims it ricocheted off another student and was just an accident.
Either way, the guy allegedly responded by beaning the kid THREE times . . . in the back, the leg, and the face. That one knocked their glasses off.
The kid told their principal, and they called the cops. For what it’s worth, other students backed up the kid’s story.
The guy admitted he threw the ball to teach the kid a lesson. He said they refused to apologize, so he paid them back and ALSO refused to say sorry. He’s facing charges for misdemeanor assault and battery.
Maybe if these people had proper training – like Patches for example…it wouldn’t be a problem!.