You’ve heard of dining-and-dashing . . . but what about: Dining-and-heart-attacking?
A 50-year-old man in Spain is being accused of faking a heart attack . . . just to get out of paying a restaurant bill. That seems VERY dramatic, especially since he’s apparently done it AT LEAST 20 TIMES.
So he’s a CHRONIC dine-and-heart-attacker. (???)
One restaurant said he ordered several glasses of White Label whiskey to wash down a Russian salad before faking the heart attack. And MULTIPLE restaurants have been passing his photo around to warn other places.
The man has since been caught, and was sentenced to 42 days in jail. And he could be in more trouble. His scams were considered “minor crimes” because the totals weren’t a lot individually . . . but the restaurant owners are planning to file a joint complaint, which could lock him up for up to two years.
But at least he did invent “Dining-and-heart-attacking”…so that’s good. Not as bad as the woman who went full “Die Hard” to dine and dash a couple of years ago…remember this?
If you’re going to try to go all “Die Hard” on a situation, at least do it for something worthwhile.
Back in 2021, a woman in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada tried to dine-and-dash from a restaurant. But instead of running out the front door like a normal petty criminal, she went into the bathroom and tried to escape by climbing into the celling vents.
But, like most of us know, the whole “crawling through the vents” move doesn’t work in real life.
The manager at the restaurant figured out what she was doing and called the police. They could hear as the woman maneuvered through the ceiling . . . and then came crashing down right onto the kitchen floor.
Anyway, somehow she wasn’t hurt in the fall, but she WAS arrested on the spot.
Now if you’re looking for the best small town restaurant in Michigan to get a meal (and I’d assume pay for it) – here’s what we found