Video: Sweet Home Alabama for 7 Hours
have you ever loved a song so much that you just kept replaying it? If you have, I’m sure you didn’t take it this far…
3 friends decided it would be a good idea to drive 7 hours to Alabama listening the nothing but Sweet Home Alabama on repeat for the entire drive.
“Alright guys, we are about to be starting the challenge where we literally drive from Illinois to Alabama listening to ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ the entire way,” he says in the recording posted to his more than 1,000 followers.
The popular Lynyrd Skynyrd song played for seven hours on repeat.
“I figured it out. It was around 94 times,” said Jacob Hove of the total amount of times they heard those lyrics. “Probably about the last two hours, I started getting a headache, and then I just starting losing it. I couldn’t comprehend that I’m still doing this.”
Carpenter added, “It’s just such a ridiculous thing. No one would do that in their right mind. It makes zero sense.”
Here is the whole story including a response from Johnny Van Zant himself…