This Will Make You Want To Fly Again…
A video is making the rounds of a Spirit Airlines employee using tape on a wing before a flight is about to takeoff. Yes, you heard that right…Putting tape on the wing.
We all know the risks of flying with Spirit airlines, it’s not always the best way to catch a flight, but some people just need to get places. Unfortunately for these people, they noticed one wild thing happening before takeoff.
Check out what this airline worker is doing pre-flight.
@myhoneysmacks Im only flying southwest now 😤 #spirit #spiritairlines #plane #planecrash #cockpit #airline #flight #fly #scary #omg #mindboggling
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This is what the woman said who filmed it:
“The reason why I don’t fly with Spirit,” the TikToker said. “I don’t care if it is aviation airplane tape or nothing, the fact that you have to tape the plane together and then you doing it while people are on the flight like we cannot see you.”
Some people are coming quick to the defense of the airline saying that the tape is called “speed tape” which is used regularly to repair small issues on a plane before it takes off.
Here is the full story:
Now honestly, when you first see this story you can’t beleive it. Then you read about this tape and what it does for a plane, to me I compare it to vent tape. It has a stiff metal backing for high stress areas. Now, whit that side, I would be acting the same way if I was on that plane and saw that being done before I take off.
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