What Did He Put On The Photocopier?
Remember all the ridiculous stuff we saw people do on Zoom during the pandemic? Here you go: eight dumb things people have seen their coworkers do at work. Oh it’s good.
A website collected stories of people talking about the DUMBEST THINGS they’ve seen a coworker do while at work, and here are a few gems from it . . .
1. Someone said a coworker “photocopied a slice of pizza” . . . and the rest of the office was finding cheese and toppings in the copy machine for weeks.
2. Someone saw a guy superglue himself to a component he was fixing . . . TWICE. He did it once, and then he inadvertently did it again, when he was trying to show people how it had happened. Then, he “superglued his eyelids together, all within an hour.”
3. Someone worked with a tattooist who did a tattoo that said, “Laugh now, cry ladder” across a man’s chest. That’s L-A-D-D-E-R instead of LATER.
4. A kitchen employee forgot to put oil into the oil fryer, and turned it on. A fire shot up. Then, they put water on it . . . causing a BIGGER FIRE. Luckily, there were no injuries.
5. Someone said a manager was trying to teach an employee how to correctly prepare a customer’s food, and the employee said, “I’m not the one eating it, so why should I care?”
6. Someone put a bunch of knives into a sink that was full of soapy water and didn’t tell anyone. Another coworker was cut reaching into the water.
7. Someone opened a chat window to start talking smack about a coworker . . . forgetting that they were on a call WITH that coworker at the time . . . AND they were sharing their screen.
8. Someone who worked at an airport said their coworker took his girlfriend through a secure area of the airport to bypass screening. The airport was locked down, they were both arrested, and, of course, the guy was fired.
Feel better about work now after reading eight dumb things people have seen their coworkers do at work?
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