15 Strange Things Everyone Did as a Child . . . But No One Talks About
I am guessing after reading this list, you will shake your head yes to at least 10 of them. I know that’s how I felt after reading through this list of 15 strange things everyone did as a child but no one talked about them!
- Blowing into a straw while drinking milk to create “milk bubbles.”
- When first learning how to swim, having an irrational fear of SHARKS in the deep end of a POOL.
- Drawing a sun in the top corner of a piece of paper.
- Believing that gum would stay in your stomach for seven years. That’s a classic one . . . along with getting yelled at for turning on the interior light of the car when someone was driving at night.
- Playing with a foam ball . . . that had a big BITE or chunk taken out of it.
- Pinching their finger (or their lips) in a hairclip . . . for no reason.
- Rolling up the straps of your backpack . . . as tight as humanly possible.
- Stabbing an eraser . . . with your pencil . . . leaving graphite holes in it.
- Freaking out after swallowing a seed, like from an apple or watermelon.
- Watching “your” raindrop try to win the race as it streaked down the windshield or bedroom window.
- Having a bodyboard slip out from underneath you while swimming, and having it “uppercut” you in the face.
- Pretending to “smoke” when it’s cold outside and you can see your breath.
- Taking a magnet and trying to force two same-poles together.
- Sitting in church, and looking up at the massive light fixtures, and trying to figure out who they’d kill if they fell. (???)
- This one is a bit off-topic: “When you randomly smell a specific scent you remember as a kid, and the nostalgic memories come flooding in.”
Right of the bat, I think everyone can agree on the first 3. Now, after that things get stranger. For example, am I the only kid who tried eating bark from different trees to see if the trees tasted different. Yes, I now know looking back that that is very strange. Trust me, I have tried to justify it and there just isn’t enough time in the day!
These are just 15 strange things everyone did as a child but the list could go on and on. Another example, am I the only kid who bit the buttons off of tv remotes? In my 33 years of life I still haven’t found anyone who has done that or at least will admit to it!
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