Hey Screamin Try This – Unbelievable Cucumber Flavored Chips
Hey Screamin Try This – Unbelievable Cucumber Flavored Chips
Shout out to Ryan Logan from WCSX Big Jim’s House Morning Show for this challenge. Lay’s Potato chips cucumber flavor. My first thought would be oh my goodness are you kidding? A cucumber flavor chip is the last thing I would think of when it comes to flavors. I understand now why they are not available in the United States.
What do the cucumber Lay’s chips taste like?
An unexpected twist to the classic Lay’s Potato Chips, delivering a gut punch of cucumbers followed by the salty taste of the classic potato chip. The chips themselves are made in Canada. I remember as a kid going to Canada to get salt and vinegar flavored as well as dill pickle flavor. Cucumber potato chips live up to their name in this Hey Screamin Try This episode with help from my helpful guinea pigs Faryn Branch and Robert Wourman. Unbelievable as it sounds I found not one but two volunteers to help with the task at hand. Yes, you can order them through Amazon, Walmart, and where ever they sell strange stuff. Get ready for the strangest episode of Hey Screamin Try This – Unbelievable Cucumber Flavored Chips!
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Born in Mt Clemens, Screamin’ Scott has been a part of the Detroit airwaves for 30-plus years. With 40 years of experience in radio. When he’s not out on the streets for WCSX, you can find him devoting time to local charities with his, “Screamin Angels”; and for 16 years with Rock 4 Tots charity. And last 10 years with his local band, "Chit!." Screamin Scott likes to write about nostalgic Detroit area memories, classic rock, and local metro Detroit topics.