Why Pat Benatar AND Neil Giraldo Are On The Marquee
Pat Benatar and Neil Geraldo are on tour. Not Pat Benatar… Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo (pronounced: “jer-al-doe”). I wondered why the change. Why is Neil Giraldo on the marquee? No offense to Neil, but we’ve been listening to Pat Benatar for decades. The albums all say, “Pat Benatar.” The tour used to say “Pat Benatar.” They did an acoustic tour together with both names on the marquee. I got it on that. It was just the two of them, but now with a full-blown tour, why is Neil a named artist with Pat? Pat answered this question in an interview with CBS Sunday Morning (full interview video below): “Because every song you love and listen to was created by him, a$$h0le.”
If I may play devil’s advocate for a moment, that’s not exactly true. Many of Pat’s hits were written by professional songwriters. “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” was written by Eddie Schwartz. Pat changed the lyrics slightly to make it her own and move the song to a female point of view, but Eddie wrote the song. Pat Benatar, the artist, had tons of people that helped create the songs that we know under the name Pat Benatar.
Do I really need to say “Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo” When I talk About This Tour?
In radio, on a music-intensive format, we always get told to use conservation of speech… How can you get the same point across in the least amount of words? We are told that because “people consume media content differently” these days, we need to get to the point and get out. I don’t disagree. I’ve always thought the music was the star. It is a gift to our audience. I’m in charge of wrapping it. So when I’m talking about the upcoming show, it’s extra words. I’m sorry Neil, I’m just being truthful. Plus I’m always worried I’ll accidentally same your name wrong. Now that I have been honest to the point of insulting…
Yes, I Think I Do Need To Say “Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo”
If for no other reason, than out of respect for Pat Benatar. I have loved Pat Benatar and her music for decades. In the ’80s, Pat Benatar came across like a ton of bricks. This tiny lady was about to throw down with anyone who didn’t treat her right. From the interview and all other accounts, these two are still going strong after 40 years together. I love Pat’s conviction and her obvious love and respect for Neil Giraldo and their partnership. For 40 years it has been the two of them against the world. Anyone who helped create Pat Benatar’s music may have come and gone, but Neil has been there through all of it. Pat says, “He and I did this together from day one.” She looks at it as setting the record straight.
To put it into perspective, Here’s a picture of Pat and Neil Detroit concert photographer, Tom Weschler took in 1979.

Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo ’79 – photo by Tom Weschler
The CBS Sunday Morning interview is awesome. Consume this media differently. Watch the whole interview. It was worth the 8 minutes in my opinion. At 6:30 Pat talks about NOT being in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and she is a class act about it.
Check out more women we’d like to see in the Rock Hall. As Pat said, “Winning is fun,” but Pat hardly needs validation. Neither do these ladies, but we’d still like to see them in a future Rock and Roll Hall of Fame class. Scroll down to check them out.
10 Women Artists Who Have Yet to be Inducted into the Rock Hall