Tilt For Tots Pinball WCSX Toy Drive Event Another Success Story
We had a blast at the Tilt For Tots Pinball drive to help for the upcoming 16th Annual Rock 4 Tots show taking place December 2nd – 3rd. WCSX’s Screamin’ Scott Randall recently hosted a Tilt For Tots toy drive.
Tilt For Tots took place at VFW (Vintage Flipper World) – a unique, one-of-a-kind pinball museum located in Brighton, Michigan. The amazing facility is only open to the public a few times a year!
Pinball fans from around the region who donated a toy for Tilt for Tots had the opportunity to enter the museum and play a variety of pinball games dating back from the 1950s to today! In addition, free snacks and pop were provided to all the guests.

Donations from patrons part of the Tilt for Tots charity event on Black Friday
More than 350 toys were collected onsite at the event. They will be taken to the Rock 4 Tots in December so that no child goes without a Christmas!
Big thanks for another successful Tilt for Tots Pinball benefit at VFW. Clayton Harrell and the Staff and crew at Vintage Flipper World help gather toys for kids this holiday.

Tilt For Tots at VFW Vintage Flipper World Pinball Museum
What Is Vintage Flipper World ( VFW.)
The Pinball Museum run by Clay Harrell’s pinball project, is a way to play and showcase his collection of vintage pinball machines. It’s an old VFW hall on 10 acres of property in Green Oaks Township about 8 miles north of Ann Arbor (on highway US23 at Silver Lake Road.) An amazing pinball collection.
The VFW name was repurposed to “Vintage Flipper World” There is a group of pinball enthusiasts that help out with the museum, from maintaining and restoring the machines.
Clay Harrell’s idea for a toy drive on Black Sunday dates back a few years. Reached out and thought it would help raise toys for Christmas for the Rock 4 Tots organization. Many joined WCSX’s Screamin Scott for a night of fun.

Tilt for Tots Giant teddy bear
Black Sunday Pinball Fun
Pinball fanatics got to play pinball from 4 pm to 8 pm. All for a donation and an unwrapped toy for a child. All the games are set on free play. So there is no use for quarters for each game.
VFW museum features games from the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and newer machines set up and ready for a workout!

Zoltar Fortune teller coin op machine
Why Isn’t Vintage Flipper World Open To The Public?
Due to township restrictions. They are allowed to be open to the public up to four weekends a year only. So we are so grateful to have them open their doors to WCSX for this benefit.
When Is The Next Pinball Event?
The 2024 Ann Arbor pinball show will be on May 4th and May 5th, 2024. For more details, Check back for more info on the Vintage Flipper World Website