Screamin’ Scott’s 8 Life Hack Attack: Bread in Your Mouth?
Hey hey, it’s Screamin’ Scott here—coming at you with a HUGE grin, a raised eyebrow, and a fresh batch of “wait, what?” life hacks that might just change your life… or at least make it a little more fun.

So I’m doomscrolling the internet the other night, right? End up on BuzzFeed (don’t judge me), and I stumble across this glorious thread of random life hacks that people SWEAR by. Not the kind of thing you’d get from your grandma (although shout-out to Grandma Scott, inventor of the “hide-the-good-candy-in-the-vegetable-drawer” move). No, these are real internet-tested, Reddit-approved, eyebrow-raising nuggets of wisdom. And folks, they are chef’s kiss ridiculous—in the best way.
Couple of life hacks to consider – grab your bread
Let’s start with this one: Open your bag of chips from the bottom. What kind of chaotic good is this?! Turns out all that delicious seasoning you love? It’s been hibernating at the bottom of the bag like a lazy bear. Flip that bad boy over, open from the “wrong” end, and BOOM—you’re front-loading your chip experience with maximum flavor. It’s like discovering the VIP lounge at the snack club.

Hiccups got you down? Forget holding your breath till you look like a grape. The internet says: eat a spoonful of sugar. That’s right, Mary Poppins was ahead of her time. The idea is the sudden jolt of sweetness distracts your diaphragm or resets your body’s weird rhythm. I don’t know the science—I’m not a doctor, I’m just a DJ—but if this works, I owe every gas station sugar packet a thank-you card.
Now brace yourself, because this one’s got me laughing every time I picture it: Put a slice of bread in your mouth while cutting onions. YES, apparently this keeps you from crying. So imagine me in the kitchen, channeling my inner Gordon Ramsay, knife in hand, and a soggy slice of Wonder Bread flopping out of my mouth like a culinary chew toy. Do I look ridiculous? Yes. Does it kinda work? Also yes.
Here’s a Secretary of State pro tip: Go right before they close. Why? Because the fine folks behind the counter want out as much as you do. Everyone’s motivated. No coffee breaks, no chit-chat, just pure, efficient “let’s get you outta here” energy. You’ll be in and out before you solve the three at three.
Coffee lovers, listen up! A pinch of salt in your coffee. Not enough to make it salty, just a tiny bit. Supposedly it neutralizes bitterness and makes your brew smoother. I tried it. And yeah… it slaps. Just don’t confuse “a pinch” with “a pour”—I did that once. Tasted like the ocean had a baby with a Keurig. Never again.

More quick hits:
- Microwave stuff twice as long at half power. More even heating. No more lava-hot outsides and frozen lasagna middles.
- Slow down to speed up. It’s not just a driving tip—it’s a LIFE tip. Rushing usually means messing up, which means more time fixing the thing you rushed through in the first place.
- And my personal favorite: WRITE STUFF DOWN. I’ve had million-dollar ideas vanish mid-shower. Now I keep a waterproof notepad in there. True story.
Look, life’s messy. There are no cheat codes (unless you count Ctrl+Z), but these goofy, oddly effective life hacks? They’re like the duct tape of daily living. Silly? Sure. But sometimes silly is what we need.
Try a couple. Laugh at yourself. And if you catch me at the grocery store with bread hanging out of my mouth, just give me a thumbs-up and back away slowly.
Stay weird, Detroit. Screamin’ Scott out.