Big Jim and Ryan Discuss the Greatest Local Garage Sale Ever!
We mentioned this story on air today, but here is the in studio video of Big Jim and Ryan talking about what may be the greatest local garage sale ever!
Big Jim and Ryan discuses the garage sale for a cheating husband! They also took some wild stories on people having their stuff thrown out of the house!
Here is the original post and story!
Check out this lady’s garage sale, selling all of her cheating husbands stuff!
The post went viral on Facebook after someone posted the photos from the “cheating husband” garage sale!
Photos: Facebook/Mikayla Winbigler
Here is a relatable story for everyone:
When I was about 18, I got home from High School to notice that my mom had thrown all of my closet into our pool! She said she did it because she asked me to put things away in the correct spot, of course I did not do that! I got so mad at here for doing it, but knew I was better off just getting my clothes, washing them and putting them away in their spots. Safe to say from that day on I have kept my closet clean and organized, so thank you to my mom for pushing that on me!
Honestly I am wondering though, does this man have any legal action now? I don’t think you can just sell off your ex’s stuff without getting arrested for it.
All I have to say is, whoever dates this lady next, please make sure you do not cheat on her! If you do, make sure to take all of your valuable stuff out of the house!
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