Famous Macomb Car Hop Eddie’s Drive-In Announce Big News
The news you all have been waiting for is Eddie’s Drive-In announcing they are extending the season for business. Open all of September with special hours and days for October. Extended Days are not the only big news to tell you. Some other great features will be included in the Fall season at the famous car Hop.
Eddie’s Drive-In Nights
With the extended season through October, you still have a chance to get your hands on the all-most famous, “Screamin Burger.” Also, a new feature added this year is drive-in movie nights. Movies start at dusk with walk-up concessions. Line up of movies is family-friendly. Here’s a list of upcoming shows.
- Sept 30th Caroline
- Oct 6th Monster House
- Oct 13th Beetlejuice
- Oct 20th Nightmare Before Christmas
- Oct 27th Hocus Pocus
Fun Features at Eddie’s Coming Up
Fun feature days include October 7th, Horror Movie Character Day, where you dress up as a favorite Halloween creature. October 14th, The Monster Mash. October 26th, National Pumpkin Day. With all special days look for food specials to coincide with the night. On October 29th, Trunk or Treat is being planned for the kids.
Does this mean you will see WCSX‘s Screamin Scott on skates again? Chances are not good as he is currently looking for a new insurance plan before November. In case you missed it here is a video to refresh your memory.
The idea of Eddie’s Drive-In is a ’50s car hop revival restaurant started by the original Eddie & Mary Catherin in 1987 when Eddie’s Drive-In became a real car hop with old-fashioned food. It’s a family place to take the kids for an ice cream treat. Even natural roller skating car hop waitresses roll up to your window to take your order. Fast forward as Sharyl Collins took control and has run it since 2014 with some great surprises and themes set for this year’s season.
The menu is just what you remember a car hop would serve… hotdogs, corn dogs, fries, and a nice mug of root beer. Eddie’s signature dish is the “BIG Ed’s Burger “, 1/3 pound of ground round beef, lettuce, tomato, onion, and Eddie’s favorite sauce.
The History of the Screamin Burger
The “Screamin Burger,” was introduced 5 years ago when the owner, Sharyl Collins, asked me to design a signature burger. It’s a 1/3 pound of ground round beef, lettuce, tomato, cheese, bacon, thick onion rings, and the famous Ed sauce with some Sriracha hot sauce. The “Screamin Burger” is a hit every season!
Menu favorites include homemade Eddie’s Pizza, Grilled Cajun or Lemon Salmon Filet, BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich, Old Fashioned Shakes and Malts, and an Old Fashioned Vernors Ice Cream Cooler. Please remind me to let Big Jim’s house know about Eddie’s Drive-In.
For a look at their menu visit EddiesDriveIn.com. Interested in visiting? Eddie’s Drive-In is located at 36111 Jefferson Ave, Harrison Twp, MI 48045
Screamin Scott At Eddies Drive In