‘To The Batmobile’: Screamin’ Scott’s Greatest Bucket List Experience at Autorama
The Batmobile like the one from the 1966 TV show Batman
The 1966 Batmobile, featured in the TV show “Batman,” stole the show at the 2024 Detroit Autorama, surrounded by a fantastic display of cars.
The car, which is based on DC Comics, is the closest anyone can get to feeling like they are in the iconic TV series, starring Adam West as Bruce Wayne/Batman and Burt Ward as Dick Grayson/Robin.
Love Of The TV Show And The Batmobile
This is a dream come true, “Batman” was one of my favorite shows growing up. Luckily, my friend Tom Jeron, a curator for the car, showed me around.

The Batmobile Tour Car on display at the 71st Autorama at Huntington Place Detroit, Mi
Design Inspiration
Based on the 1955 concept car, the Lincoln Futura, the design weighs 3000 pounds and is powered by a 429 Ford Race engine and is designed to look like a bat, with a scoop on the front that makes it look like a nose, headlights that look like eyes, a mouth where the grill is, and two big fins at the back, making the car look like it has wings. The front window is plastic like an airplane, and the vehicle’s top is “bulletproof” to protect the dynamic duo.
All The Batmobile Gadgets
Sitting in the Batmobile has been on my bucket list for years, and I got to check out some of the coolest gadgets first-hand, including some of my favorite gadgets the caped crusaders used to to fight crime:
- Anti Theft Control
- Bat Ray Beam
- Bat Ram
- Detect-A-Scope
- Rocket Tubes
- Closed Circuit Camera
- Radar Scope
- Bat Ray Projector
- Bat Eye TV Screen
- Batman Fire Extinguisher
- Bat Photoscope
Although one gadget I couldn’t find was the ejector seat button, maybe it’s for the best. I’ll never forget this moment, and fortunately, no one arrested or kicked me out of the building for sitting in the Batmobile.
Can You Guess Which Gadget I Forgot?
Detroit Autorama History
The Detroit Autorama: it’s America’s Greatest Hot Rod Show! The show features a select group of 800+ custom and restored vehicles from around the world. More than 140,000 spectators are drawn to Huntington Place over the three day run of Autorama each year. The Detroit Autorama is the quintessential Motor City event, in my estimation. It is a celebration of cars, creativity, and community. I’ve been attending The Detroit Autorama since the ’90s. Every time, I have seen new things and had an awesome time.
Ridler Me This, Autorama
The Detroit Autorama is best known as home to the Don Ridler Memorial Award. The award is presented to the “best in show” to recognize the most “outstanding car shown for the first time.” The Riddler Award has been won by many well-known car designers and builders, such as Chip Foose, Jerry Pennington, Troy Trepanier, and Bobby Alloway. Read on to find out more about the history of the Ridler Award.
Joel’s Notes
When I was a kid, I always got to go to Autorama as a birthday present. It started the year that Fonzie’s Motorcycle (from everyone in America’s favorite TV Show- Happy Days!) was a big attraction (1976?). When we finally got through the massive crowd to get a look at it, there was Fonzie’s Triumph Trophy TR5 motorcycle behind velvet ropes! It was slowly dripping oil into one of those big disposable tin foil pans that you bake a turkey in on Thanksgiving. Autorama has been something special to me every year since.
I have been so lucky to have worked at Rock and Roll Radio stations like WCSX that have appeared at Autorama over the last few decades! The best time was working at the WCSX Booth a few years ago. About 40 years after first seeing Fonzie’s motorcycle, Henry Winkler was appearing at Autorama (2023). He was walking past the WCSX Booth, on his way to sign autographs. I looked up, we made eye contact, and I said “Hello, Henry.” He stopped, looked me right in the eye, and said “Hello!” It only lasted a couple of seconds, but it was a warm, genuine friendly greeting! I felt like I was 7 years old again! Henry Winkler has always been, and always will be, “Cool”!
Memories of The Detroit Autorama
Born in Mt Clemens, Screamin’ Scott has been a part of the Detroit airwaves for 30-plus years. With 40 years of experience in radio. When he’s not out on the streets for WCSX, you can find him devoting time to local charities with his, “Screamin Angels”; and for 16 years with Rock 4 Tots charity. And last 10 years with his local band, "Chit!." Screamin Scott likes to write about nostalgic Detroit area memories, classic rock, and local metro Detroit topics.